Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lazy Summer Days

Enjoying the summer, but with three kiddos ages four and younger, Jason and I find it easier to stay home on the weekends (works better for nap schedules, meals, etc.). Plus, I don't know when I would do laundry and clean up otherwise ... with both of us working full-time and not having the shortest commutes, there's just no time!

Jack is the biggest talker!!!! Now that we've limited Wyatt's paci to bedtime only, he's really started talking - saying Mommy, Daddy, and lots of random things like "tree," "bird," and more. Wyatt also knows what sounds animals make :) Ella's now six-months-old and all about being mobile!!! She loves her Exersaucer - well, most of the time. Here, she's having a meltdown, but she's still so cute!!!

When Jack was born four years ago, Jason's sister, Heather, sent us a beautiful, blue hydrangea that had just a few blooms at the time. Check out how big (and still beautiful) it has become in our yard!!! Thank you, Heather! We're still enjoying it!