Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jack Visits Santa, Performs at Daycare

Merry Christmas (Ella's first)! We're enjoying all the holiday preparations with the kids. Jack made his first visit to Santa, but was a little confused when we arrived at Bass Pro Shop. He said, "Mommy, this isn't the North Pole! This is the Fish Store!"

As we waited our turn, I pointed out the reindeer hanging out behind Santa. Jack promptly explained that they were dead ... no need to get so excited, Mommy!!! Jack did a wonderful job and let Santa know that he had been a good boy this year.

Wyatt and Ella stayed back at daycare. Wyatt can get a little physical in new or forced situations ... we figured Santa may hold it against him on Christmas morning, if Wyatt were to head-butt Mr. Claus at the "Fish Store." Wyatt can be one extreme or the other - the cuddliest teddy bear ... or a mean Mama Bear defending her cub! That being said, Wyatt really is the most easy-going of the bunch. Ella is cruising along the furniture and babbling as she nears her first birthday. She's eating table food like a champ! And, no one can resist her cute little ponytail sprouting from the top of her tiny head! Please check out the kids' latest pictures at www.dropshots.com/jlandon.

Before we headed off to visit Santa, Jack really shined in his Pre-K performance at daycare. Follow this link for a few clips from his debut ... what a ham! http://www.dropshots.com/jlandon#date/2010-12-17/14:35:02