Friday, April 23, 2010

Let's Get It Started

Now that the Landon Litter has grown to three pups, it's about time we started blogging all the goings-on ... especially to keep the family and friends we don't see as often up-to-date. To take a page from my sister, Jessica, it's also a great way to track the kids' changes over the years - now, I'm wishing I'd started back when Jack was born four years ago!

I haven't blogged up until now, figuring I didn't have enough frequent, exciting outings or events to showcase ... but, I'm realizing that neither do most of the bloggers I'm reading! :) I certainly won't be making new posts every other day, but I hope to not let too much time go by in between updates!

I'm kicking off our family blog with pictures from a photo session we had at the house back on April 10 with Zach Porter. We're thrilled with what he's captured and look forward to several more sessions, ending with Ella's first birthday party in January 2011! Enjoy!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Ella - 3 Months
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Wyatt, 19 months:

Jack, 4 years

Wyatt's "Fit" Face

Jack & Wyatt at play

Wyatt kept fleeing the scene ...

Jack in his "Forrest Gump" stance


  1. These are great! What a beautiful family you have. :)

  2. This is a Birthday treat! Love Yall.

  3. yay yay yay!! I'm so glad you've finally started this!! Great pictures and the background looks great. See, I told you it wasn't that hard. And you can do a quick update and be done with it!
    Jess, Giff and Hayden

    NOW, if we could just get Jessica Anderson to update her blog once in a blue moon . . .

  4. I love the pics and so glad you started a blog! Love, Jennifer H

  5. This is the greatest! Each picture captures the mood and personality. Little Ella is growing prettier every day. Jack is really maturing and is so handsome. Wyatt is one character. He is his own man and is cute as can be. You and Jason look wonderful and so "in control". How do you do it? I am so proud of these pictures and of my sweet family. Love, Mom
