Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

It's hard to find the time to update our blog, when I barely have time to log onto our laptop at home. I haven't checked my Hotmail email account in weeks (access to the site is blocked at my office).

Check out the gorgeous bouquet that Jason and the kids sent me for Mother's Day a couple of weeks ago! Beautiful!

We spent Mother's Day afternoon at Keith and Stacey's home (Jason's sister); for some unknown reason, Baby Ella absolutely lost her mind and cried the whole time (so, forget about any picture-taking)! Here's some shots of her on a better day. She's not quite rolling over yet, but she really gets up on that side and talks away. The daycare teachers call her "Mama." Ella gets so excited when they greet her in the mornings - she starts shaking her leg like a dog!!!
Wyatt is talking more ... clearly saying "apple," and "Grandpa." He's so cute sitting in the little cafeteria chairs at school. We moved him into a booster seat at the table at home ... just like Jack's. What a big boy!!! He's so loving. In the little newsletter at daycare, each class has a monthly update section where they make mention of each of the kids. His class section read, "Little Wyatt lets all the girls love on him!" He's always giving hugs! Cute! Cute!
Jack starts Pre-K this fall. I can't believe it! He's so in-charge. We've nicknamed him "Mall Cop." He gets on everyone's case and is always at his post - no matter where we are! Jack is all about an itinerary, always wanting to know what we're doing next. He loves Star Wars (specifically Darth Vader) and insists on watching the classic versions almost nightly. The other day, he kept asking for some Gorilla ice cream. We were so puzzled, and soon realized he's referring to Vanilla. Too funny!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet little babies! So glad we got to see you all this weekend. I know it was a haul for y'all but we do appreciate it ☺
