Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hi. My name is Jennifer ... and I'm a TERRIBLE Blogger !!!

Ugh! Okay ... so, I've discovered that I just don't have the time to blog. But, I will maintain this site for occasional updates ... as well as our link to our photo website that I do actually update regularly (because it's so quick and simple):

This link is at the top of our blog site (under our family picture) ... as well as in the right-hand side column.

As for updates (off the top of my head), Ella is turning nine-months-old this week and has just started crawling in the last week. She's a wiggle worm!!! Like the boys, she will be getting ear tubes at the end of this month.

Jack is doing great in Pre-K ... he has amazing memory! We've just gotten his Darth Vadar costume for Halloween, and he's been wearing the mask practically every night (that means he won't actually wear it when Halloween finally gets here!!!).

And Wyatt's still talking up a storm! Our favorite phrase right now is the way he says "Sorry!" to everything ... it's so dismissive! And, of course, he's still all about Dinosaurs! ROAR!!! It was the theme for his little birthday party. He just turned two-years-old at the end of August. Party pics are on the "Landon Family Pictures" website:

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